Author: mordridakon

2222 Abyss of the Universe is a two dollar game sold for ten. That automatically disqualifies it from purchase in my view. Right now, as this writing, it is on sale for eight, still too high for what you get. Well what is it? You’re in a rectangle flying along a track, you go through rings. In Endless Mode, the rings give you fuel to keep going. In levels, they’re simply points. There is one button, either A or B or d-pad up. It makes you go up, stop pressing to go down. These games are everywhere on mobile and…

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Late last night, I received an email regarding AI slop, this email: The email not does make any sense at all, why would my complaining drive his AI usage? He’s also dead wrong about me and AI. I am not opposed to AI usage. I am opposed to “AI Slop,” like what Pakotime puts out. These games are quickly shat out cash grabs with minimal effort that clog up the eShop and drive better games off the list. I have complained about them endlessly, like with Jigsaw Ice Princess. Ice Princess came out in October 2023. Not only has the…

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There exists a class of games I call indie indie games. They are like Gone Home, games not for the average player, but a certain group of player to slobber over. The Little Moon is in that class. It has retro pixel graphics, a nonsensical cutesy plot and really boring game play. I guess I’m describing Undertale more than Gone Home, but the same idea applies. These games are not for the average player, but for a specific kind of player to fawn over. The Little Moon is an game in early access somewhere(Britain I think) and it shows. You’re…

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Stories from Sol: The Gun-Dog is a visual novel with adventure game elements. There is a side menu where you can move, look, use, talk and use and item. However, there are no puzzle in the traditional sense. Everything you do is laid out and telegraphed. There is a handy tasks screen that tells you what to do if you’re lost. Like I said, this is a visual novel, and it is quite a good one at that, that tells a good sci-fi story. Stories from Sol: The Gun-Dog stars you, who can be he, she or they, and you…

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I’m torn on Cat President: A More Purrfect Union. On one hand, a lot of work has gone into it, you have six different paths, with 3 different endings each. The paths takes about a hour, so you get a decent length game. On the other hand, the game has the political maturity of “Look at Drumph Cat, isn’t he so evil?” The entire game is nonsense and frankly did not elicit a laugh out of me. Not even the groan inducing cat place puns(Clawshington, Meowa). I sat through it once, and once is enough for me. Look, a birther…

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Ninja Five-O was a game boy advanced game from 2003 that was re-released by Konami. It didn’t sell very well in 2003, so why do it? It is awesome! Yes, the game was, and still is a great action platformer that can be tough as nails, yet extremely fun to play. You play a ninja cop(also the tile of the Japanese Version which has been released with the NA version in this package) who grapples and slides through levels killing bad guys and rescuing hostages. There are six missions in total, only the first three are available in easy mode.…

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Untravelled Planet(yesm it is spelled that way) is a Nintendo 64 game in 2025 and unfortunately, not a very good one. It kind of reminds me of Jet Force Gemini without the Rare polish that the game had. You play one of two astronauts who fly to a remote planet, and get shot down by space pirates. You must repair your ship and escape. To do that, you wander around a bare planet, collecting things and shooting pirates, and even delve into the occasional dungeon(more on that in a bit). You start out slow and weak, and over time build…

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Cabernet is a social RPG. There is no combat, just a lot of talking and acting like a vampire. It plays like a point and click adventure in a lot of ways, but its heavy on the RPG elements too. Instead of strength and speed, you put experience points into things like literature, history and science, which affects your dialog choices. You play Liza, a woman who died and wakes up in an Eastern European town full of vampires… who all speak with American accents. You are a doctor’s apprentice and spend each night doing various tasks related to the…

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