Author: MJ Guthrie


Having sailed across the Thunder Sea, Massively OP’s MJ has entered DDO’s city of Sharn to find clues regarding the stolen Stormreach Beacon. Unfortunately – and amusingly – her first steps were to get totally stuck behind an NPC until her team could rescue her with magic! Now freed, MJ finds her next order of business is to speak with Lucian Vaunt. As a man with an interest in artifacts and relics, surely he’d know if the beacon arrived in Sharn, right? Join us live at 8:00 p.m. for A Sharn Welcome. The show is over now, but we’ve embedded…

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Want to watch some Guild Wars 2 for the Twitch drops but don’t want any story spoilers of the new content until you can play through it? OPTV has you covered! Massively OP’s MJ is wrapping up A Crack in the Ice tonight from Living World Season 3; she won’t begin the new content until next week. And since she has all the ingredients, all MJ needs to do is concoct the magical potion to prevent her from freezing in the Bitter Cold while she hunts Jormag’s minions. (Too bad she can’t market this elixir in…

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