Author: Kirk Hiner

Kamikaze Lassplanes is set in a world where certain people—specifically lasses (but not kamikazes)—can morph into warplanes. We don’t actually see the transformation in​ the game, and that’s probably for the best; I imagine it’s disturbing. What I can’t imagine is a world with the technology to turn women into sentient warbirds while still requiring them to have a separate pilot. Surely that’s going to lead to romantic complications, right? Shouldn’t there at least be an employee dating policy? Of course, if that was in place in the world of Velstia, we’d just have a shoot ’em up, and Kamikaze…

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It’s hard for me to shake the stereotype that visual novels tend to be romances. Take a look at the eShop screens for this game, and you can see why that would be the case. But believe me, the HD remake of Ever 17 – The Out of Infinity is much more than a romance. I say this despite multiple similarities with James Cameron’s Titanic. A young fellow named Takeshi gets his hands on a highly-coveted ticket to a futuristic, underwater theme park called LeMU. He visits with his friends, but they become separated. Disaster strikes the park, and Takeshi…

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Are tricks still gnarly? Are songs still sick? There are a lot of words one feels compelled to use when covering an announcement such as the remake of Tony Haw’s Pro Skater 3 + 4. Those words all feel wrong coming from me, so I’m going to let the official press release do its thing. The legend returns on July 11 with the launch of Tony Hawk’s™ Pro Skater™ 3 + 4! Remade from the ground up and ready to rip this summer, Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3 + 4 blends the classic content that fans loved in the 2000s with new offerings,…

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