Author: Ian Walker

When Final Fantasy 14’s 7.2 update — subtitled “Seekers of Eternity” — drops on March 25, it’ll bring with it all the flashy content players of the massively multiplayer role-playing game have come to expect from developer Square Enix. But nestled among all the info on dungeons, gear, and side activities in the patch notes were also details on a handful of quality-of-life changes that should greatly improve the simple act of exploring the game’s world.According to community translations of the latest Letter from the Producer stream, broadcast in the early morning hours of March 14, Final Fantasy 14 producers…

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Blobun is an indie puzzle game currently making waves on social media thanks to a joke setting that eliminates its lesbian content. The problem? Blobun protagonist Stephanie is gay, so flipping the so-called “lesbian toggle” in the options menu removes her from the game and renders it totally unplayable.“It all started a while back with our friend’s game Buck Up and Drive, which features billboards with various fake advertisements,” Blobun developer Jess told Polygon via email.[Ed. note: Pronoun usage may vary throughout this story as Jess is a plural collective consisting of multiple system members.]Jess encouraged Buck Up and Drive…

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