Author: Alex Hadzaman

Act II of Destiny 2: Episode Heresy has dropped and brought with it some new toys to have fun with. A new rocket-assisted-frame sidearm has arrived in the form of Lotus Eater. This new Void element weapon is another excellent addition to the archetype–however you get your hands on one, a rocket sidearm is a great asset. Here’s how players can find it and what the god roll perks for Lotus Eater are.How to get Lotus EaterLotus Eater is only available as a drop from Nightfalls or Grandmaster Nightfalls when the weapon is a part of the weekly rotation. At…

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Act II of Destiny 2 Episode Heresy has brought with it a new surprise on the Dreadnought. Along with the whisperings of a familiar foe in players’ ears, they will also take on a familiar challenge. The new activity, Court of Blades, is a boss-rush mode similar to the original Court of Oryx activity from Destiny: The Taken King. Here’s how the Court of Blades works and what it can give players on completion.Destiny 2 Court of Blades explainedThe Court of Blades is an enemy gauntlet activity where players face an escalating series of enemies within a 10-minute time limit.…

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