Author: Alex Co

Summary Iron Man’s Repulsor Blasts are getting nerfed in the new Marvel Rivals patch. Human Torch is getting a buff to his primary attack damage output and Ultimate Ability. Developers are balancing hero abilities with adjustments in the mid-season patch. NetEase is aiming to release a new patch for Marvel Rivals later this week, and this aims to nerf a hero that shouldn’t have gotten a buff in the first place. The hero I’m referring to is none other than Iron Man. The character’s Repulsor Blasts are getting a significant nerf, which makes them less effective. Related Ubisoft Hero Shooter…

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Summary Solid Snake isn’t in Death Stranding 2, don’t get your hopes up. Actor Luca Marinelli plays new character Neil in the sequel. Kojima shares behind-the-scenes of casting process for DS Just the other day, Hideo Kojima announced the release date for Death Stranding 2: On the Beach, and the trailer accompanying the announcement had a very cool surprise for Kojima fans. If you haven’t seen it yet, I suggest you do that first, as you’ll see a familiar face pop up — or at least that’s what it looks like at first. Appearing in the trailer is a new…

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