Step 3 of Midas’ questline in Chapter 6 Season 2 of Fortnite will require you to get a Rare Outlaw Keycard or better and use it to open a certain chest.
The Outlaw Keycard is a sort of special item you have with you at all times. You level it up by completing certain missions, and it gives you access to special Black Market privileges… such as the Outlaw Chests!
In this short guide, we’ll tell you everything you need to know to complete this objective for Midas.
Open an Outlaw Chest With a Rare or Better Outlaw Keycard | Fortnite: Chapter 6 Season 2
To complete this objective, you must first get a Rare Outlaw Keycard or better. You can see your current Outlaw Keycard in the “Outlaw Keycard” tab of the Quests menu. The Rare one is the blue one smack-dab in the middle, which requires you to complete 10 Outlaw Keycard quests. Boy, we sure are saying Outlaw Keycard a lot, here…

Anyway, you can find the Outlaw Keycard Quests at the very bottom of the tab. Complete at least 10 of these missions to upgrade your keycard to Rare.

Once that’s done, you need to go to any of the Black Markets on the map. We’ve marked their locations on the map above for you. It doesn’t matter which one you pick, any of them will do.

When you enter the Black Market, look for a large steel gate with a keycard scanner. Interact with it to open it and enter the VIP back room of the Black Market.

Then, look for a large glowing chest inside the back room. It should look something like the one in the example above. Simply interact with this chest and it will open, as long as you have a Rare Outlaw Keycard or better. Objective completed!
So, there you have, that’s how to “open an Outlaw Chest with a Rare or better Outlaw Keycard” for Midas’ questline in Fortnite. We sure hope you didn’t mind reading the words “outlaw” and “keycard” so often, though!
If you still haven’t started Midas’ Questline, check out our guide on how to “complete a SHADOW Briefing to earn Midas’ trust.” It’s the first step of the questline.