Greenhouse of Blood II: Revengeance has been released.
Studio Hejkal 3. was created as a research and development project based on the request to digitize the private archive of game designs and prototypes of the family of the Czech experimenter R. Dvořák.
Today, February 24, 2025, on the 54th birthday of R. Dvořák, we are releasing the first restored game, Greenhouse of Blood 2: Revengeance (originally released in 1999). It is a 2D real-time strategy game that works with the concept of “reverse tower defense”. The game contains 15 levels and totaling to 45 challenges. The author of the current version of the game is Martin Andrlík, who worked with the software Godot, Blender, and Audacity. Martin updated the game with new levels, a challenge system, and new enemy types. Another important part is a simple level editor, which can be found in the game at levels 16 and 20.
We will be releasing two more games next year that we currently have in development:
Greenhouse of Blood 3: Aberrate (original year 2000)
Lemon Horse: Cross Country (original year 2003)
All games will be released for digital distribution as non-commercial projects that respect the combination of archival materials with contemporary execution.