Welcome to the Into Indie Games walkthrough for Asylum. In this part, we meet Lenny as we make our way to the Basement.
For more information on Asylum beyond this walkthrough, check out the steam page here.
Head back through the infirmary, back to where you find the baton. Back into Bruno’s room. You can pick up the keys from the wall here.
Go back up and speak to Bruno to exhaust any new topics you haven’t talked to him about. Eventually, Bruno will tell you why the asylum shut down. Now head back to the Archives. Check the record player – you should have 3 records on you. Green, red and yellow ones.

The green one plays Adagio OP 2 – at first and then you can play the other songs on the record.

Check the Speaker Wiring system above the table as well. Play the red record – Flute Solo from Turandot. The hint was the flute we found earlier in the cell below. But the record puzzle is a randomized one: you have to figure out what tune to play based on the musical instrument in his cell.

This will calm down the crazy person in the cafeteria and Bruno will escort him out. Head back to the cafeteria. Head through the cafeteria and the clock will strike 10:00 PM. Check around the room on the tables for pieces of flavor text. Eventually you will pick up the document for “The Kirkbride Principle”.

Try the door twice and exit into the next area. Check the map on the floor by the stairs. Go straight and turn to the right. Head down the hallway. Watch the cutscene play out. You will meet Lenny. Speak to Lenny in detail – beginning with Lenny himself. Talk to him about Group E.

Speak to him about “Down below?” this will eventually give you the task “Explore the basement area.” Turn to the left after the conversation and head down the stairs.

Open the door and check the shelves on the left first. Check the can of pesticide. Keep moving to the right and check the rags on the hooks. Eventually you will come to a dark corridor.

Turn to the back and enter the boiler room. Check the trap door on the floor. Get close to the boiler on the left. Check the stack of paper near the floor.

You will learn about Jonas Crawford – a member of Group E. You can also check the pipes. Open the non-functional boilerfor a journal page.

Check the fuse box and you will find the lighting wiring map.

Next, hit the lever for the power. Exit the boiler room now. The gate right in front is closed. So, turn to the right. The second door on the left will open. Check the table for a pair of Wire Cutters.

At the end of the corridor turn to the right. Amongst the bed is a wiring panel on the wall. Check it.

The door ahead is electrified. Head back to the boiler room. Turn the main power off and turn the emergency power on. Now head back to the wiring box again. Use the wire cutters, to get rid of the rat. Tie up the wiring and open the door ahead. Check the door on the right and move ahead. You should be back at the Tunnel of the Damned, near Bruno’s office. Follow the path back to the boiler room and turn on the main power on. Now head to the room earlier with the minecart.

Check the walled up doorway. Next to it, on the table – you will find another note about the Mental Institute. On the right is a pickaxe, pick it up for another vision.

Check the boarded up tunnel and exit the room. The clock will strike 11:00 PM.
This concludes the first part of our walkthrough of Asylum. You can find part 4 here (Coming soon)
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