Pulchra Fellini is a brand new A-Rank Stun Agent added in version 1.6 of Zenless Zone Zero. She’s also a free Agent, so you can get her if you do the “March On, Tiny Titan” event during the update.
A mercenary who previously antagonized the Sons of Calydon, Pulchra’s eventually convinced to join the Sons of Calydon. Gameplay-wise, she’s a fast fighter who focuses on using the new Aftershock mechanics. Have you been praying for an off-field stunner? Well, Pulchra’s here for you!
In this complete guide, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about Pulchra’s kit and the best way to build her.
Complete Pulchra Guide | Zenless Zone Zero
Key Abilities and Kit
- Basic Attack: Swift Strike – Press attack to perform. Pulchra does up to 3 basic attacks which deal Physical DMG.
- Basic Attack: Leaping Strike – Hold attack to perform. Pulchra leaps at the enemy and unleashes a series of slashes, dealing Physical DMG.
- Core Passive: Hunter’s Instinct – Pulchra enters the Hunter’s Gait state whenever she performs her EX Special Attack, Assist Follow-Up, Chain Attack, or Ultimate.
- Hunter’s Gait increases Pulchra’s Daze up to 30% (fully upgraded) and lasts for 6 seconds. Additionally, Pulchra can trigger a Quick Assist from the previous character in the squad whenever she lands a heavy attack in this state.
- If you swap to another character, Hunter’s Gait will remain active until you switch back to Pulchra.

- Special Attack: Rending Claw – Rapidly dash back and forth through an enemy, dealing Physical DMG. Pulchra’s Anti-Interrupt level increases while active.
- Special Attack: Rending Claw – Nightmare Shadow – This triggers if Pulchra is in her Hunter’s Gait state but isn’t the current active character. Hit an enemy with another active character’s heavy attacks from a Special Attack or EX Special Attack to activate.
- Pulchra will appear to briefly assist the active character, dashing through the hit enemy to deal Physical DMG.
- Pulchra can do this up to 6 consecutive times, with the final hit being a stronger finishing move.
- This counts as an Aftershock move and Pulcha is fully invulnerable during the attack.
- EX Special Attack: Rending Claw – Flashstep – Pulchra dashes through an enemy multiple times, dealing massive Physical DMG. She’s invulnerable for the entire duration.
Other Skills and Upgrade Priority

- Dodge: Reversal Shot – A quick dash dodge. Pulchra’s invulnerable while active.
- Dash Attack: First Strike Advantage – Pulchra dashes forward and slashes at an enemy, dealing Physical DMG.
- Dodge Counter: Relentless Retribution – Pulchra thrusts at the enemy in front of her and then slashes them. Deals Physical DMG and Pulchra is invulnerable during the entire duration.
- Chain Attack: Hey, Didn’t Expect That, Right? – Pulchra unleashes a charged shot at her target, dealing massive Physical DMG. As usual, she’s invulnerable during this attack.
- Ultimate: Oh, Time to Play? – Pulchra becomes invulnerable and releases a charge shot to deal massive Physical DMG to all enemies in front of her.
- Additional Ability: Business Partner – Activates when another Agent on the team is an Attack Agent or belongs to the Sons of Calydon Faction.
- When Pulchra hits enemies with Special Attack: Rending Claw – Nightmare Shadow, an EX Special Attack, Assist Follow-Up, Chain Attack, or Ultimate, it applies the Binding Trap effect for 15s.
- Aftershock DMG is increased by 30% for all Agents when hitting an enemy with the Binding Trap effect.

Ultimately, Pulchra is meant to be a mainly off-field Stun agent. You want to get her in her Hunter’s Gait state as soon as possible, then swap her out for an Agent that has energy. Then, use that Agent’s Special Attacks and EX Special Attacks to trigger Pulchra’s Rending Claw – Nightmare Shadow. This deals massive Aftershock DMG and also applies Daze.
With all of that in mind, you should prioritize her upgrades in the following order: Core Skill > Special Skill > Assist > Chain/Ultimate > Basic Attack = Dodge.
W-Engine Recommendations

Like most other agents in Zenless Zone Zero, the best W-Engine for Pulchra is going to be her signature: Box Cutter.
The Box Cutter W-Engine gives Pulchra (and other Stun characters) the “Watch Your Fingers” effect. This will increase Pulchra’s Physical DMG by 15% (24% at 5*) and her Daze by 10% (16% at 5*) for 10 seconds. The effect triggers whenever Pulchra launches an Aftershock attack, meaning she can easily keep it up at all times while off-field.
Now, worth noting that the Box Cutter W-Engine will only be available as part of Soldier 0 Anby’s W-Engine banner at first. However, it will be added to the regular W-Engine pool latter on, making it much easier to get. Unless you’re pulling for Soldier 0 Anby’s Severed Innocence weapon, we recommend waiting until the Box Cutter becomes more common.
With that in mind, here are other solid W-Engine recommendations from best to worst if you don’t have the Box Cutter:
- Blazing Laurel
- Hellfire Gears
- Precious Fossilized Core
- Steam Oven
Mindscape Cinema

- M1: Self-Interest – Pulchra’s CRIT Rate increases by 10% when attacking enemies affected by Binding Trap.
- M2: Opportunistic – Pulchra’s ATK increases by an additional 10% while in her Hunter’s Gait state.
- M3: Territorial – Basic Attack, Dodge, Assist, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2
- M4: Joy of the Hunt – Reduces Energy Cost of activating EX Special Attack: Rending Claw – Flashstep by 5.
- M5: Tail Game – Basic Attack, Dodge, Assist, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2
- M6: Behind the Mask – Increases the DMG of Special Attack: Rending Claw – Nightmare Shadow by 15%. Also allows Pulchra to do 2 more off-field Aftershock attacks, giving a total of 8 attacks instead of 6. Additional Ability: Business Partner’s Binding Trap effect now also applies to all damage types, not just Aftershock DMG.
All things considered, Pulchra’s Mindscapes are pretty basic and not really worthwhile. The only notable one is her M6, as it greatly boosts her off-field capabilities. Not only does it allow her to deal more Aftershock attacks, it also makes Binding Trap a universal boost. This makes her more versatile for team-building, too!
However, since Pulchra is an A-Rank Agent, pulling specifically for her isn’t recommended. After all, you’re likely to just get it randomly as you pull for other characters later on. That said, you might just naturally get her M6 if you pull for Soldier 0 Anby.
Drive Disk and Stat Recommendations

When it comes Drive Disk sets, Pulchra doesn’t have much to select from in Zenless Zone Zero. Her two best 4-piece set options are as follows:
- Astral Voice – Overall the most versatile choice. Gives Pulchra +10% ATK. The Astral stacks are also pretty easy to maintain, as Pulchra can easily set up Quick Assists via her Hunter’s Gait state while on the field.
- Proto Punk – A solid choice when you have any Agent that can provide shields. Allows your team to get a 15% DMG boost for 10 seconds after triggering Defensive and Evasive assists. Only use this on Pulchra if no other character in your party already has it, though.
As for the 2-piece set, the Shockstar Disco is your best choice. It will increase Pulchra’s Impact by 6%, allowing her to deal more Daze.
For stats, here are the main recommended stats to focus on:
- Slot 4 – Crit Rate
- Slot 5 – Physical DMG
- Slot 6 – Impact%
- Sub-Stats
- General Use – Crit Rate > Crit DMG = ATK% > ATK = PEN
- Jane Doe Teams – Anomaly Proficiency > ATK% > ATK = PEN
Recommended Teams

When it comes to teams, Pulchra in Zenless Zone Zero pairs best with Soldier 0 Anby. This is due to the fact that Soldier 0 Anby is an Attack Agent who prefers being on-field at all times. Pulchra, thanks to her off-field Aftershock attacks, enables Soldier 0 Anby to have a constant uptime. It’s a match made in heaven!
Now, this does depend on what you have available or are planning to pull for. We still consider Trigger to be a better Stun character for Soldier 0 Anby, so Pulchra is a bit less desirable if you get her. Of course, that’s just thinking about minmaxing. It doesn’t account for player preferences or the fact that Pulchra is a free Agent.
Alternatively, Pulchra’s second-best ally would be Nekomata. Nekomata does best when she can stay on-field as much as possible, which Pulchra enables. What’s more, Pulchra’s M6 will give Nekomata a nearly unconditional 30% DMG boost thanks to Binding Trap. Plus, it’s great if you love having both feline ladies together.
With all that said, here are the best potential teams for Pulchra from best to worst as of this writing:
- Soldier 0 Anby + Pulchra + Lucy/Astra Yao/Caesar
- Nekomata + Pulchra + Nicole
- Jane Doe + Pulchra + Caesar/Lucy/Burnice
So, there you have it, that’s everything you need to know to make the most of Pulchra in Zenless Zone Zero. Since we mentioned Soldier 0 Anby being a good teammate here, you might also want to check out our in-depth Soldier 0 Anby guide!