Welcome to the Into Indie Games walkthrough for Asylum. In this part, we meet Bruno as we make our way to the Therapy Room.
For more information on Asylum beyond this walkthrough, check out the steam page here.
So now that we have explored Corridor 1A – and Corridor 1B has all doors locked, as are the doors upstairsS. So, go back to the room with the books and the blackboard we were in earlier. The note from the garbage back has given us a hint. Go to the shelf and open the book titled “Psychology of study” and check the page number for Neurotransmitters. It is 128.
Now head back to Dr. Ebersbacher’s room and enter the code on the filing cabinet. You should find a cassette tape.

The other drawers contain nothing of value. Open the drawer and use the cassette on the player. Listen to the recording play out and check your notebook. We need to get to the Therapy Room. As you exit this room, you will be notified its 9:00 PM and a cutscene will play out. Head to the Cafeteria. Its in Corridor 1B as per the map in the hallway. You will find a security guard, Bruno.

Peer through the cafeteria doors and talk to Bruno again. You will find that to get to the Therapy Room you need to get through the Cafeteria. Talk to him about “Madman on the loose”. Next, talk to him about “Bruno”. As you end the conversation, Bruno will ask you to get his baton. Head through the Infirmary.

Check the noticeboard on the left. You will find another record here.

Check the display case next to the metal gate at the end for one of the Vinyl we have been seeing sleeves for.

Open the metal gate and make your way through the corridor. In the next corridor enter the toilet. Check the teddy bear on the toilet bowl.

Exit the toilet. Check door 114A as you are making your way through the corridor. Head down the stairs in the next area.

Open the door on the right and check the fancy music box in the cabinet. Check Bruno’s table and the noticeboard. Check the notebook on the table.

Open the door and pick up Bruno’s baton. Explore a little bit before heading back to Bruno. Check the cell next. You will see scribblings on the wall and a whistle. Head back to Bruno now. Hand over the baton to Bruno.

This concludes the first part of our walkthrough of Asylum. You can find part 3 here (Coming soon)
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