Games Workshop has released a new Warhammer 40,000 dataslate update. This update to the grimdark sci-fi tabletop miniatures game includes numerous adjustments to units, mechanics, and updates to various FAQs and errata.
The March 2025 Warhammer 40,000 Dataslate Update
In an official Warhammer-Community post, Games Workshop released details on the Warhammer 40,000 dataslate update. This update affects all armies in the game and can either be downloaded for free through your browser or through a Warhammer app.
The post goes into further detail about some key changes in the dataslate. The Adeptas Sororitas’ Miracle Dice has been changed slightly. Now you’ll get one of these dice every time one of your units dies. Several units have had their recruitment points adjusted accordingly.
The Adeptas Custodes have had some of their units’ recruitment points changed as well. The Blade Champion, Custodian Wardens, Venerable Contemptor Dreadnought, Telemon Dreadnought have increased. Alternatively, the Aleya, Custodian Guard, Knight-Centura, and Shield Captains have had their recruitment cost reduced.
The machine-spirit worshipping Adeptus Mechanicus have gotten a slight change. Their Bellisarius Cawl and Tech-Priest Dominus units have gotten a slight cost reduction. Furthermore, the Aeldari army’s named unit Asurmen’s Hand of Asuyran ability has been adjusted. It is now an Anti-Infantry 5+ ability, reducing its Devastating Wounds potential.
The rank-and-file troops of the Astra Militarum received several adjustments in the new Warhammer 40,000 dataslate. The Firing Hot Stratagem now only applies to targeting enemy units within 12 ” of the model, and the Krieg Engineers’ Remote Mines have been reduced to inflicting 1d3 mortal wounds.

Chaos Demons’ Legion of Excess detachment has gotten a rework. The Seductive Gambit rule has been changed where dice re-rolls to wound or hit only applies within their Shadow of Chaos. The Thieves of Pain Stratagem now explicitly states the unit intercepting the damage must be able to see the target. Lastly, battle-shock is now gone from the Overwhelming Excess stratagem.
Lastly, the supersoldiers of the Imperium of Man, the Space Marines, have gotten some changes. The new dataslate now makes it clear the Oath of Moment Army Rule only applies if you only use units found in the Space Marines Codex. No Black Templars, no Blood Angels, Deathwatch, or Space Wolves allowed if you want that extra +1 to wound.