Every single Palico Support Move in Monster Hunter Wilds to keep you healthy as well as what their upgraded version do.
Your Palico is a tough little Felyne in Monster Hunter Wilds that has a whole lot of Support Moves. These abilities will keep you healthy during a hunt, cure you of ailments, and even rough up the monsters for you. Unlocking new Support Moves or upgrading the ones you have isn’t exactly clear, nor is checking on what you have. Below you’ll find all the Palico Support moves as well as an explanation of what they do.
All Palico Support Moves
Unlike Monster Hunter World, your Palico in Monster Hunter Wilds is in control of its own Support Moves. You won’t get a choice of which one to bring on a hunt, instead, your Palico will have access to them all. While it doesn’t always perform the right one at the ideal time, it’s great to have access to so many.
Here is a list of every single Palico Support Move, an explanation of what it does, and what changes with the upgrade. Where possible, you’ll find links to the guides for acquiring the upgrades.
Vigorwasp Delivery
The Vigorwasp Delivery lets your Palico send a healing Vigorwasp to you. Once used, your Palico will need to wait a while to deliver another. After upgrading it, your Palico will deliver better Vigorwasps that heal more and can send multiple in a row.
Purewasp Delivery
The Purewasp Delivery cures you of any blights or abnormal statuses. The upgrade increases the number of Purewasps to two.
Your Palico will draw a monter’s attention using Provoke. Upgrading this will draw the monster’s attention for longer and allow your Palico to counterattack.
Place Paracorn
The Place Paracorn is your Palico’s Shocktrap. Though you cannot command your Palico to place it, sometimes it comes in clutch right as you want to capture a monster. Getting the upgrade will reduce the cooldown until your Palico can use it again.
Your Palico will use a cannon tool to shoot ammo at the monster that has a chance to cause a wound. The upgrade lets your Palico keep firing.
Sporenet: Song o’ Power
This Support Move will increase your attack power. The upgraded version increases the strength and duration of the effect.
Sporenet: Song o’ Purrtection
This song increases your defenses and seems to happen if you faint when facing a monster. The upgrade has a similar affect as above: increases duration and effectiveness.
Attract Vigorwasps
Unlike the other Vigorwasp moves, this one summons a bug to a specific location. You will need to go and manually pop the bug to get the healing effect. The upgraded version will attract a Giant Vigorwasp. This Support Move is available via the Helping Hand quest.
Flashfly Cage
The Flashfly Cage is a flashbang. Go and hit it to blind a nearby monster (or enrage some others). The upgrade lets your Palico lay them more often. You can upgrade it by completing the Flash Course quest.
This adorable move sees your Palico floating above the hunting field in a hot air balloon, raining down fire.
The Plunderang will snatch materials off of any monster it hits.
Vigorwasp Revival
The Vigorwasp Revival appears to revive you on the spot, which may circumvent the carting and fainting penalty. The upgraded version restores more health. Take a look at our guide for A Gutsy Move to see how to upgade this one.
How to check your Palico’s Support Moves
To check your Palico’s Support Moves, open the pause menu, navigate to the Info tab (magnifying glass on paper) and select the Palico Info option. In this new screen select the paw print icon to switch to the Support Move table. Here you can see which moves you have and which ones are upgraded.
Your Palico Support Moves are a bit different in Monster Hunter Wilds. Your Palico will be the one to decide what to use and where, but they will have access to all of them all the time. Make sure you spend some time completing the side quests to upgrade them, as a stronger Palico makes you stronger too! Read over our Monster Hunter Wilds page for additional help.