We thought that last week’s reveal of the Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition ‘Don’t Worry’ remix might be the only peek we’d get at the upcoming remaster’s soundtrack, but we were wrong! Nintendo UK is back with another track, and it’s another banger.
This time, it’s the battle theme ‘Black Tar‘ that gets an upload of its own. Unlike ‘Don’t Worry’, this one appears to have been left relatively untouched for the Definitive Edition, but that doesn’t make it any less of a soul-stirring tuuuune.
It’s true, the Nintendo UK upload cuts things off a little abruptly (we don’t even get to hear the line “I need a bigger gun”), but the heavy drum backing, electric guitar riff and iconic rap should be enough to transport you back to some Wii U Skell action.
It has left us feeling sufficiently pumped ahead of Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition’s 20th March release date — hey, that’s only two weeks away! Last month, we went hands-on with the opening chapters of Nintendo’s next big release and we were very impressed with what we saw. You can find our full thoughts in the article below.
Has this track got you hyped for Xenoblade Chronicles X on Switch? Ride your Skell down to the comments and let us know.