Arguably the best character in Monster Hunter Wilds, Rove is an esoteric, wandering Wud-wud whose cryptic dialogue is like something straight out of a Dark Souls game. Players meet Rove for the first time relatively early in the main campaign, but later on, Rove locations in Monster Hunter Wilds vary.
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At first, players will find Rove deep below the Oilwell Basin in a bit of a tight spot. After this, he moves to primarily reside in the Iceshard Cliffs, though there are a few other spots players can find Rove in Monster Hunter Wilds, including the ‘Aberrant Atrocity’ quest which requires players to report to Rove in an out-of-the-way location.
Rove First Location: Chapter 2-3 (Hopes of Home)
The first place players can find Rove is in the lair of a Nercylla, a gigantic spider-like monster that has caught this adventurous Wud-wud in its lair. As part of the main mission ‘Hopes of Home’ (Chapter 2-3), players are sent into the caverns below Azuz, the Everforge, where they encounter this beast and find Rove’s first location.
As you travel through the caverns in the Oilwell Basin, you will hear Rove’s voice calling out. Approach, and a cutscene will play out as you notice the peculiar little guy completely trapped in a web.
After you kill the Nercylla, you can free Rove from the web, after which he will show up again in the Iceshard Cliffs area.
How To Report to Rove (Aberrant Atrocity Side Quest)
To use Rove as a Trader, you must first complete the side quest ‘Aberrant Atrocity’, which Rove himself offers when talked to in a special location. You must have freed Rove from the Nercylla lair and reach HR 16 to unlock this side quest.
Head to Area 20: Ancient Room on the Iceshard Cliffs map. To get here, jump off the bridge outside of the Base Camp to the right, follow the doorway across a bridge, then turn right and look for a doorway that leads to a Pop-Up Camp location. Rove’s hovel is just around the corner from this Pop-Up Tent. You can also just auto-ride your Seikret to Rove’s location.

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You should see Rove’s quest icon on the Iceshard Cliffs map just next to the Area 20 icon, one level down from the default detailed map view. Press the right analog stick in to set a marker on Rove, then jump on your Seikret and auto-run to the marker. You should find Rove’s location here in a little hovel, where Alma will remark, “so this is where you have been living.”
The ‘Aberrant Atrocity’ side quest tasks players to kill a Frenzied Yian Kut-Ku for Rove, and rewards 5x Ancient Wyvern Coin and 2x Gracium, a Rarity 6 Ore that can be used to craft a variety of weapons and armor sets.
Other Rove Locations In Monster Hunter Wilds
In Chapter 3-2 (Indomitable Spirit/Nothing Frozen, Nothing Gained), you will encounter Rove again as he points the Hunter and troupe to a passageway through the Iceshard Cliffs – which ends up being quite the dangerous route for the crew.
When you discover where Rove’s location is to pick up the ‘Aberrant Atrocity’ side quest, he will become a Trader. You don’t have to complete the ‘Abberant Atrocity’ side quest to trade with Rove, you just have to talk to him again after this location, after picking up the quest for him to offer his services.
You can also access Rove’s trader inventory by talking to Nata at any base camp.
Rove will offer a variety of rotating goods (including monster parts, cooking ingredients, and other crafting materials) for your Chaliceweed and Gobletweed. These two materials can be farmed from underwater areas within the Scarlet Forest.