Mad Catz, the company known for their fight sticks, is releasing a new force feedback racing wheel. The Mad Catz M.2.X. Pro force feedback racing wheel is the perfect plug-and-play solution that works with your consoles and PC. In the box you get the racing wheel, a six speed shifter, foot pedals and all the cables needed for power and connectivity.
Connecting and getting set up on console is as easy as plugging your console controller into the racing wheel and then you’re off to the races. One issue I did have was with connecting my elite controller to the racing wheel. Once I was in Forza Motorsport, the main face buttons didn’t work. Once I connected a standard controller to the wheel, everything worked perfectly. This could have to do with the remapping that I did with my Elite controller. Outside of that little road bump, everything has been great.
The build quality of the M.2.X Pro is great. The steering wheel is wrapped in a soft touch materal that mimics the feel of leather. The included brackets kept all of the various parts in place when taking those tight turns. There are suction cups on the bottom of the wheel base but with the force feedback, it is not meant to be used without fully connecting it to a surface.
I am not familiar with driving stick shift so in most cases I either had everything set to manual or I tried the shift paddles. Now I won’t say I will be winning any races any time soon but when i got the hang of it, everything felt great. There is a different level of immersion using a racing wheel. I think I may need to find a way to get this set up with VR and give it a try.
A few more details about the racing wheel are listed below: