Brief news on AMC Squad Episode Five, potential release date and some new screenshots too.
AMC Squad March 2025 News
As usual it’s been almost a year since the last news post; busy at work on AMC Squad Episode Five. We’re aiming for the tail end of 2025 but of course the sooner the better.
AMC Squad Usermaps
First off, if you haven’t checked them out already there’s 3 great usermaps available in the mods tab above. Maps by Solais, Jolteon, and long-time Duke community legend William Gee (developer of WGRealms1) absolutely give them a try!
Gameplay adjustments
Among the usual wide array of new content, polishing and updates, there’s been a few gameplay tweaks. All rapid fire weapons now have an initial grace period before their accuracy starts to bloom; this maintains the intention of taking careful shots at range whilst still allowing rapid fire weapons to not immediately lose effectiveness after a few shots. There’s also been updates to melee attacks; the sweeping kick, triggered by jump+kick, is now much quicker and can actually stun enemies for a small duration, allowing you to get a spin kick in (backwards+kick) much quicker as well.
Of course, there’s also the usual massive selection of new guns for you to try out against Episode 5’s new and deadlier foes. Gauss weaponry is a new line of incredibly powerful projectile weaponry that the team will get their grubby hands on.
But of course alongside shiny new gadgets, there’s some contemporary weapons (the AR-15 Beowulf) alongside some classics too (The Chinalake)
Community and Release
As always, please join our Discord if you wish to join the discussion – we have a friendly and open community and there’s always someone around to help newcomers. We’re aiming for 2025 – as already mentioned, the sooner the better.
If you enjoyed AMC Squad, please spread the word for us! We’re growing in size and exposure but still flying under the radar of many people; “Why have I never heard of this?!” is a common phrase thrown around by people playing AMC for the first time.