I’m torn on Cat President: A More Purrfect Union. On one hand, a lot of work has gone into it, you have six different paths, with 3 different endings each. The paths takes about a hour, so you get a decent length game. On the other hand, the game has the political maturity of “Look at Drumph Cat, isn’t he so evil?” The entire game is nonsense and frankly did not elicit a laugh out of me. Not even the groan inducing cat place puns(Clawshington, Meowa). I sat through it once, and once is enough for me.
Cat President takes place in an America where the supreme court said humans couldn’t be president, so now we’re ruled over by cats. You’re an average human woman(you can name yourself) who gets fought over by five cats and a dog playing a cat. They all want you to be their campaign manager. You can pick any one of the six. I picked the Trump stand-in, Thunderclaws an orange cat(get it) with amazing hair(get it) who is a billionaire bully. He has also has a twin cat named Banders and a secretly sad past. If you choose the right responses, he’ll become your catfriend and happily ever after.

Cat President is really stupid. I mean really, really stupid. The game is garbled nonsense, do not think through any of this. It tries to be both serious at times, and goofy at others and I simply don’t feel it works. Either go all in on the serious, or all in on goofy satire, but trying to straddle both lines, the visual novel fails. While a lot of work went into the this, I feel Cat President simply isn’t worth the nine dollars. I mean you get a lot of visual novel here, but it isn’t very good, and the novelty of cat presidents wears off quickly. I give this a Not Recommended with a five back-end score.
Overall: Cat President has a cute premise, the issue is the actual visual novel fails at nearly everything it tries to do.
Verdict: Not Recommended
Release Date | 3/5/25 |
Cost | $8.99 |
Publisher | Penguin Pop Games |
ESRB Rating | T |
P.S. For a completely different Visual novel, try Since Memories.
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