Update 45 Quality of Life Changes
Mount Speeds
Starter zone refreshes aren’t the only changes as Update 45 includes an improvement of the game’s base mount speed. They didn’t specify exact figures on how much faster but starter players will appreciate the boost in mount speed. At max levels, it is said that you’ll end up slightly faster, but that’s for the most dedicated as getting mount speed upgrades can take awhile.
Craft Champion Points improvements
The update has also sim0plifeid the craft (green) Champion Point tree. Instead of manually slotting certain stars to gain certain benefits, these star effects will always be active, effectively eliminating the need to swap stars when needed.
Tamriel Map Cleanup
The update has also changed the overall Tamriel map to not look as clutter when zoomed all the way out. This is done by limiting the amount of Wayshrines appear when looking at the map. Zone names are also more visible to make it easier to understand.
Mundus Stone Visibility and Disguise Items
The Mundus Stones in Update 45 will hopefully not be overlooked by new players as they’ve now made sure that level 10 players are reminded of the importance of these stones and the buffs you get from them. They’ve added more information about them from the in-game help section, as well as giving a dedicated Mundus Boon section in the character and inventory screens.
They have also made Disguises obtained from quests to now be added in the game’s Collectibles menu, so it will no longer take up inventory space.
Cyrodiil Champions PvP test Campaign
Beyond Update 45, The Elder Scrolls Online will have a Cyrodiil Champions PvP test from March 24 until March 31. During this test, players will get to choose between seven pre-made classes with locked abilities,, attributes, and items.
This test is said to be part of the developers effort in improving the game’s perofrmance and stability in the games open-world PvP experience. More details about this test was shared in a recent developer Q&A.
All of this is for the PC version of The Elder Scrolls Online. Update 45 and the new DLC Fallen Banners will be available to console players on March 26.