Sometimes, it’s fun just to sit back and watch or play a B-movie. You know the ones: science experiment goes wrong, and all hell breaks loose! Survivors scramble, the monster or creatures wreak havoc, and destruction is left in the wake.
Demon Spore is aiming at this goofy, fun, and wild time! I gave the demo a try on Steam and thoroughly enjoyed it from top to bottom. The twin-stick mechanics, isometric view, and varied mechanics all come together in a tight package that gives a great sense of what the game offers.
Demon Spore’s Demo Breaks Loose!
You’re a new hire at a science lab, and there’s some pretty exciting stuff to show you! Your new colleagues give you the lay of the land until… as I mentioned above, all hell breaks loose. The growing spore is rapidly taking over parts of the building, and you need to find a way to get out alive.
To do this, you’ll make your way around dozens of rooms, grabbing anything you can to defend yourself. It was a blast to locate fire extinguishers and use electronics to stun enemies and various chemical containers to freeze, shock, or light spores on fire. The action is fast-paced and carries just the right level of challenge throughout the demo.
The Demon Spore itself will come at you in a variety of ways. Some creatures are tiny and perform simple attacks, while others burst out of doorways and grow bigger and bigger if you don’t tame them. Even in the short time and limited number of attempts you have in the demo, there’s enough action to keep you on your toes and enough to keep you guessing.
There are also some great touches of presentation in Demon Spore as well. A light CRT filter can be applied to the screen. It makes it feel like you’re either watching an older B-movie or looking through the lens of a security camera while all the action breaks out before your eyes.
The game controls well, feels balanced regarding weapons and enemy types, and has a great sense of personality and humour. There are a few different characters you can play as, each with their passive boost and abilities. I recommend trying out at least a couple while diving into the demo.
Demon Spore’s demo is available now, and the game is slated for a release sometime in 2025.