MAR10 Day is finally upon us, and Nintendo is wasting no time getting the show on the road as it has revealed a fresh Alarmo theme to celebrate the occasion.
Super Mario Bros. has landed some Alarmo fame this time, with four tracks from the legendary NES platformer making the jump to the interactive clock later today. We don’t know every song that will be arriving in this update, though the Japanese Nintendo website lets us hear a snippet of two new tracks: the Overworld theme, and the Bowser Battle theme.
The free update will be available later on today for all those Alarmo users out there, just ensure your clock is connected to the internet and you’re signed into your Nintendo Account before checking the menu for any new software.
Ever keen to jump the gun, Nintendo actually kicked off its first round of MAR10 Day goodness last week with the reveal of a fresh batch of eShop savings for games starring the prized plumber and his pals. We wonder whether there will be anything else from the house of Mario today?
Will you be waking up to any of the new Super Mario Bros. Alarmo themes? Let us know in the comments.