In a bold example of a video game actor taking their role to previously untold heights, Luke Dale, the thespian responsible for bringing to life the true protagonist of Kingdom Come: Deliverance II, the ludicrous Lord Hans Capon, has ascended to the ranks of Twitch royalty.
Hardcore fans will recall Dale hyping up KC: DII before and throughout the game’s launch window, and continues to do some fantastic, extracurricular marketing even now, over a month later. Truly beginning his Twitch career just a few days before the game was released in early February, Dale, who wholly inhabits his role as “LordHansCapon” online, managed a peak viewer count of just 350 filthy peasants (thanks, Insider Gaming), who love being talked down to by their aristocratic liege lord.
Rocketing to super stardom following the release of Warhorse Studio’s truly magnificent RPG, it certainly helps that Dale is a very likeable, funny, charismatic sort, spouting his Latin catch phrase, and Capon’s family motto, “audentes Fortuna iuvat” (fortune favours the brave) at every opportunity. He would ultimately get this creed, along with the Capon family’s coat of arms, permanently tattooed on his arm, live on Twitch, of course.
It’s not quite mid-March, and Dale is now regularly pulling 50k viewers, apparently among the 0.1% of most-viewed streamers on Twitch; this is especially impressive when you consider how few times he’s actually gone live, and has since made Partner. Dale is currently hyping up a 24-hour livestream to coincide with the game’s eagerly anticipated 1.2 update, set for 14th March. It’s your feudal duty to answer when your liege-lord calls, and so you’d best be there.
We’ve never seen anything approaching how Dale has taken it upon himself to become our rightful Lord Hans Capon, both in the game, and without; seemingly above, beyond, and separate from anything required by Warhorse Studios. Are we witnessing history in the making, a glimpse of a bold, possible future for video game marketing?
Have you been tuning into Dale playing through KC: DII, listening to him rant on and on about his pizzle? Pay homage to your betters in the comments section below.
[source, via]