About a month ago, EA finally lifted the lid on its grand old plan for Battlefield 6 – or whatever the team ends up naming its next mainline Battlefield game. Yep, despite not titling the game just yet, we do know that it’s set to launch in the next year or so – and lots of leaked footage from its Alpha testing has now appeared online.
Up above, you can catch 20 minutes of BF6 gameplay – with the player in question hitting up some classic Conquest on the map ‘Abbasid’. For alternate viewing, we’ve also got a bunch of clips from the same ‘Battlefield Labs‘ test posted out to social media down below, which could come in handy if the YouTube content gets removed at any point.
Now, it goes without saying that this is very early footage of the next Battlefield game here – and lots of this will likely be placeholder and subject to change over the coming months. However, even from this extremely limited footage, you can see shades of the old Battlefield DNA immediately – which is great to see after the fumble that was Battlefield 2042 back in 2021.
With EA’s extensive Battlefield Labs testing now seemingly well underway, we’re expecting to see plenty more BF6 footage pop up online in the coming weeks, and we’re very intrigued to see how the game grows and develops with some community input. At the time of posting, Battlefield 6 is aiming to release within the next 12 months or so – as mentioned in a recent EA earnings call.
Battlefield fans, what do you make of this early BF6 gameplay? Talk to us about it down below.