You might think that finding all of the Great Fairy Fountains in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom will be easy. Not many places have moved around, after all. But if you head to any of the four’s homes from Breath of the Wild, you’ll be in for a surprise.
Following the Upheaval, the Great Fairy quartet have hidden themselves away and each one now calls “home” a brand new place. On top of that, they’ve been scared away, and you have to coax them out to talk to them and, eventually, upgrade your armour.
This is our hub guide for how to unlock and find all of the Fairy Fountains across Hyrule. You’ll find out which quests you need to unlock and complete in order to wake up the Great Fairies, as well as where each Fairy is located on the map.
Here’s where to find all Great Fairy Fountains, and how to unlock each one in TOTK.
Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom: All Great Fairy Fountain Locations – How To Unlock
Where are the Great Fairy Fountains?
You won’t find the Great Fairy Fountains in their former locations from Breath of the Wild. In Tears of the Kingdom, all four giant fairies have made new homes close to four of the region’s stables. We have a guide for all stable locations that you should check out.
You’ll find each fairy close to the following stable, though until you do their respective quests, you won’t be able to access them.
- Great Fairy Tera – Woodland Stable, Eldin/Great Hyrule Forest
- Great Fairy Mija – Snowfield Stable, Tabantha Tundra
- Great Fairy Cotera – Dueling Peaks Stable, Necluda
- Great Fairy Kaysa – Outskirt Stable, Hyrule Field

How do I unlock the Great Fairy Fountains?
To access the Great Fairy Fountains and speak to all of the Great Fairies, you’ll have to embark on several Side Adventures to get the Fairies to come out of their buds.
There are two main things you need to do to unlock and be able to complete, this chain of quests.
Start ‘Potential Princess Sightings!’ at the Lucky Clover Gazette
On your way to Rito Village as part of one of the four Regional Phenomena quests, you’ll spot a brand new building outside of your destination and before the broken bridge. This is the Lucky Clover Gazette, which replaces the Rito Stable from BOTW.

Images: Nintendo Life
Here you’ll run into Penn, a reporter for the paper and Traysi, the editor. The pair of them are discussing reported sightings of the missing Princess Zelda, and the pair enlist you to help them track down these leads at the stables across Hyrule. Agree and you’ll sign up for Potential Princess Sightings! which kickstarts a series of Side Adventures at various stables across Hyrule.
As part of this Side Adventure, you can now access the various quests to unlock the Great Fairy Fountains.
Make sure you have a Towing Harness for your horse

This isn’t required to start the quest, but you’ll make your life a lot easier if you have the Towing Harness.
You can unlock this after earning 3 Pony Points at stables across Hyrule. You can earn these points by capturing and registering a horse, staying at a stable overnight, or simply finding a new stable. We have a guide on how to use the Towing Harness if you’re struggling to get it working.
Why do you need this? Because many of the quests require you to tow a carriage. And while you can probably do it with Zonai devices, a horse and carriage is a sturdy method for two of the quests.
How to unlock Great Fairy Tera
The Great Fairy Tera is the very first fairy you’ll hear about — you also must awaken her first before you can unlock the other three Great Fairies.
You’ll find Tera northeast of Woodland Stable at the Military Training Camp, just south of the Lost Woods, which you won’t be able to access from the outside. Find out how to get into the Lost Woods and Korok Forest in our walkthrough.
Before kicking things off, activate the nearby Ekochiu Shrine so you can warp back here when you need to. Then speak to Penn who is talking to a pair from a musical group known as the Stable Trotters. This will begin the Serenade to a Great Fairy Side Adventure.
For how to complete this quest, check out our Serenade to a Great Fairy walkthrough.

How to unlock Great Fairy Mija
Mija is hiding just north of Snowfield Stable in South Tabantha Snowfield. This area is fairly dangerous and is home to an Ice Gleeok to the northwest, so be careful when exploring here. Make sure you activate Orochium Shrine too — this is one of the more head-scratching shrines in the game, so check out our guide on the Orochium Shrine Solution if you get stumped.
The nearest Skyview Tower is Pikida Stonegrove high up in the Hebra Mountains, though if you’re coming directly from Woodland Stable, you may have passed Thyphlo Ruins.
You’ll spot Mastro and Violynne again. Speak to them to get the Serenade to Mija Side Adventure, but they will also tell you that Mija likes the sound of the horn the best. But the Stable Trotter’s hornist is nowhere to be seen. You’ll unlock the Serenade to Mija Side Adventure. To progress this quest, you will need to complete The Hornist’s Dramatic Escape Side Adventure.
Check out our The Hornist’s Dramatic Escape walkthrough and our Serenade to Mija walkthrough for tips on how to complete both quests.
How to unlock Great Fairy Cotera
Cotera will likely be the next Fairy you come across. She can be found south of Dueling Peaks Stable, which (as you’d expect) is just east of Dueling Peaks in the Necluda region. As with all stables, make sure you activate the nearby shrine — in this case, it’s Eshos Shrine.
You’ll hear the band playing on the stage once again. Talk to them to find out about Cotera, as well as her love of the drums. Guess what, though? The drummer isn’t around to make some noise for the fairy. This will get you the Serenade to Cotera Side Adventure. To finish this quest, you will need to complete the Honey, Bee Mine side adventure.
We have a Honey, Bee Mine walkthrough and a Serenade to Cotera walkthrough if you’re struggling to complete these.
How to unlock Great Fairy Kaysa

The last Fairy we unlocked was Kaysa, northwest of Outskirt Stable and up a rather steep mountain. Activate Tsutsu-um Shrine here before you head out anywhere else. The stable is southwest of Lookout Landing and you’ll likely pass it on the way to Gerudo Desert.
When you speak to the troupe here, they’ll give you the Serenade to Kaysa Side Adventure. But Kaysa likes the sound of the flute, and the group’s flute player is MIA. This is where The Flute Player’s Plan Side Adventure comes in.
For tips on how to complete these quests, check out our The Flute Player’s Plan walkthrough and our Serenade to Kaysa walkthrough.
What can you do at the Great Fairy Fountains?
When you’ve unlocked a Great Fairy Fountain, you’ll be able to upgrade your armour at that location.
Depending on how many Great Fairies you’ve awoken, you can upgrade your armour up to four times. Check out our guide on How To Upgrade Armour for more details.
The Great Fairies are once again fabulous, and we’re delighted to see them return in TOTK. For all of the new and returning features in this adventure, check out our full Tears of the Kingdom walkthrough for maps, guides, boss strategies, and more.