A common complaint about Civilization 7 is that it does not always give players the detailed information that they want. Indeed, information is king in strategy games, and some players may wish that the game gave them easier access to details about yields, bonuses, and beyond. Fortunately for players who are in that camp, there is a new Civilization 7 mod that makes it very easy to view a particular type of information, and it is absolutely worth installing.
The mod in question is Leonardfactory’s Policy Yield Previews, and it reveals the estimated total yields associated with the Social Policies that players will enact in their Governments. For example, a Social Policy might indicate that it gives +6 Food from Specialists and -3 Happiness in Towns, and players without the mod are left to calculate exactly how that would affect their overall Food and Happiness yields. That is not the case for players who have installed the mod, though, as it causes the total additional Food, and the total negative Happiness, to be clearly displayed at the bottom of the Social Policy card.
Leonardfactory’s Policy Yield Previews is a Must-Have Civ 7 Mod

While some players may enjoy counting the Specialists, Towns, and many other elements that impact the yields that come from Social Policies in Civ 7, doing so repeatedly can become tedious, particularly in the late-game. Indeed, if a player wants to maximize the efficacy of their Social Policies, they will need to continually recount various aspects of their empires, and that recounting may not be particularly fun once the empire has become bigger and more complex. In fact, some players may eventually decide to select their Policies based on feel, rather than spending time on collecting hard data, which can lead to suboptimal play.
This all goes out the window with Leonardfactory’s Policy Yield Previews, though, as the mod gives players an immediate understanding of what a Social Policy will do at any stage of the game. This is extremely useful, allowing players to easily slot in policies that provide the greatest benefits, while slotting out those that do not have much to offer to their Governments in Civ 7. Indeed, players who install the mod will no longer need to take stock of the state of their empires anytime they are considering a policy swap, saving them no small amount of time and, potentially, preventing some unnecessary annoyance.
Players will primarily reap the benefits of the Policy Yield Previews mod when selecting Social Policies for their Governments. That said, the mod also displays the total effects of the Crisis Policy cards that players must choose as they approach the end of an Age in Civ 7. Once again, this makes it much easier to pick the most desirable card, and it is an added benefit of installing the mod.

Policy Yield Previews Is Inspired by Civ 6’s Better Report Screen
Players who have spent time with modded Civ 6 may already be accustomed to seeing Policies’ total effects indicated in-game. Indeed, the very-popular Better Report Screen mod, which was developed by infixo, has a similar feature, and Leonardfactory indicates that Policy Yield Previews was inspired by that Civ 6 mod. Hopefully, this is not the end of Civ 7 mods that take inspiration from Better Report Screen, though, as mods that make it easier to view other types of information could go a long way towards improving the overall experience.