Update []: The Sinking City 2 has already almost doubled its Kickstarter goal of $108k in less than a day, with just under $200k raised at the time of writing.
Premium rewards are still available, including physical editions which feature a variety of collectible items you won’t be able to get anywhere else.
Original Story: Frogwares has revealed the first glimpse of The Sinking City 2 gameplay as the Kickstarter page for the game goes live, with the developer looking to earn $105,000 from crowd funding. It’s only a 53-second clip and focuses quite heavily on combat, but you’ll get a quick shot of the returning Mind Palace and a few different environments. Catch it above as The Sinking City 2 is slated to launch for PS5 later this year.
Due to the continued invasion of Ukraine by Russia, the Ukrainian developer has turned to crowd funding on Kickstarter again so that it can create a “safety net” for itself should it encounter issues. The studio did the same for Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened, and the money it got from that Kickstarter allowed the team to work through power outages and also relocate employees at short notice.
Frogwares CEO Wael Amr explains in a press release that this new round of crowd funding for The Sinking City 2 will serve the same function. “After three years of this horrid war hanging over our daily lives, we’ve learned to adapt, though it has never been easy,” he said.
In addition to the gameplay teaser above, a deep dive demonstration into The Sinking City 2 can be viewed below:
As well as retaining its investigative roots, The Sinking City 2 is designed with a bigger focus on combat and takes a “horror first” approach. You see some of that in the videos above, with Sergiy Oganesyan, publishing director at Frogwares, adding: “We’re not ditching our investigation roots entirely but the chance to spread and challenge our norms has really helped the team grow. We’ve placed combat and exploration first while still keeping an air of investigation that adds depth but is entirely optional.”
The Sinking City 2 launches for PS5 at some point in 2025. Do you like the look of it in this first gameplay glimpse? Post your thoughts in the comments below.