Tecmo’s 1989 belt scroller Tecmo Knight / Wild Fang has come to MiSTer FPGA and Analogue Pocket, thanks to Jotego’s Patreon.
“This belt-scrolling action game was created by the same team as Ninja Gaiden,” says the FPGA developer. “An interesting aspect of the game is that the protagonist fights on a ‘servant’. There are three types of servants: a giant, a tiger and a flying dragon. Players can change freely back and forth from the giant to the tiger, but the dragon requires a special item.”
Another cool feature was the ability to switch characters during gameplay. “The game has quite a personality art-wise, with all enemies barbaric in appearance, and heads coming off rather easily,” adds Jotego. “After the head, blood sprays out, with a rather grotesque effect.”
To get Tecmo Knight, you’ll need to be signed up to Jotego’s Patreon.
The game is already available on Hamster’s Arcade Archives series.